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Sign up for Craiceann 2025

The Craiceann Summerschool 2025 will take place from Monday 30th of June through Friday 4th of July 2025 The course fee is €350 for the five day course and the deposit is 150€. Please fill out the form below with your details, please let us know how many years you are playing and rate yourself.

In case you want to make a reservation for more than one person, please fill out a single form for each person attending.

Then choose how you want to pay your deposit or the full course fee.
Please note: Deposits are non-refundable.

You can either pay online via paypal using your credit card or your paypal acount (recommended) or send it by post (money order/eurocheque/cash) to ‘Craiceann’, Inis Oírr, Aran Islands, Co. Galway, Ireland.

The balance of the course fee is to be paid at registration on the first day of Craiceann.


Each student must firstly ensure their chosen accommodation is confirmed BEFORE signing up for Craiceann.  Please refer to this page for more info.

Find your right class

Self Assessment

Please refer to the information below for your self rating Please read the descriptions of the four different levels and choose the one that is closest to your abilities when signing up for Craiceann!
  • Beginners

    for people who are picking up a bodhrán for the first time and for people who have owned a bodhrán for a long time but have never really played under instruction. We deal with the posture of the instrument, learn the playing technique from scratch and deal intensively with the rhythmic differences in Irish music (emphasis on reels and jigs).

    Student Characteristics

    Absolute beginners
    No drum experience whatsoever

  • Basic

    for "experienced beginners" who already have basic knowledge and playing experience. We deepen the different playing techniques and focus on rhythmic security in the accompaniment of jigs, reels etc.. We also experiment with the sound variations of the bodhrán and bring the skin hand further into play.

    Student Characteristics

    • Beginner level drummers
    • Little experience on the drum

    Standards for This Level

    • Basic understanding of alternating strokes
    • Basic understanding of simple voicing patterns
    • Able to demonstrate an understanding of reel and jig patterns with difficulty
    • Unable to demonstrate proficiency in accompanying reels and jigs
  • Competent

     for those who can at least accompany jigs and reels with confidence. We look at other, increasingly complex Irish rhythms and coordinate strumming and skin hand.

    Student Characteristics

    • intermediate level drummer
    • moderate session experience
    • Maybe some prior instructional experience (i.e., workshops and/or private lessons)
    • Good understanding of reels and jigs

    Standards for This Level

    • Able to demonstrate reels and jigs with decent feel and tempo
    • Demonstrates a sensitivity to the sections of a tune (i.e., variation between sections, “playing the tune,” sensitivity to the melody player’s changes in dynamics)
    • Adequate control over basic pitch changes of the drum
    • Uses a wider vocabulary of sounds when playing
  • Advanced

    for people with a lot of experience and great skill on the bodhrán. We look at sound variations (melody, bass line), more complex grooves and may take a closer look at music from outside Ireland …

    Student Characteristics

    • Student is competent in a session setting
    • Student may perform with his or her own ensemble
    • May have had numerous lesson and workshop experiences

    Standards for This Level

    • Student must be able to demonstrate proficiency with:
      • Control of rhythm
      • Accents vs. unaccented noted in rhythms
      • Demonstrating a vocabulary of voicing beyond open, mute, and “pop”
      • Performing reels, jigs, polkas, and slipjigs with recorded music or a live musician
    • Student is adept with tipping and voicing skills
    • Student can tune his or her drum very quickly to an appropriate tuning
    • Student demonstrates proficiency with double ended triplets

Craiceann Sign up form

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Please select your payment options. You can choose to pay the full course fee or a deposit.

Payment made through PayPal will also allow to use credit cards and is the preferred option.
You will be redirected to the PayPal page to make your payment after you submitted the sign up form.

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